Category: Videos

When Should a Visionary Hire an Integrator? In the third section of Entrepreneurial Leap called “Path”, I teach the 9 stages of growing your business. One of those stages is making the conscious choice as to when you

The Importance of Asking for Help In full disclosure, I struggled asking for help in the early stages of my entrepreneurial journey, seeing it as a sign of weakness. I eventually learned that I was

What If Your Child Is Potentially an Entrepreneur? If you believe that your child, or somebody close to you, might be an entrepreneur, there are two things you should do: First, confirm that they are a true entrepreneur-in-the-making

Why Entrepreneurs Should Do What They Love “Do what you love and the money will follow.” In this week’s video Leap Lesson, we discuss the importance of starting a business around something you love. If you’re

How Do I Start Being an Entrepreneur?

subscribe on youtube How do you start your journey as an entrepreneur? Truth be told, there isn’t this one way, or perfect path to take. The journey is different for

Things that Change and Don’t Change As an entrepreneur, you have to be able to recognize the things that change and the things that don’t change within the entrepreneurial world. By being able to recognize

Can an Entrepreneur Start a Lifestyle Business?

Subscribe While on Stephan Spencer’s podcast “Get Yourself Optimized,” Gino is asked the question, “Can an entrepreneur start a lifestyle business?” Gino explains what he calls ‘The Entrepreneurial Range.’ Although