Once you have employees, it’s vital you stay connected. One of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make is assuming that everyone knows what’s going on. As a result, the entrepreneur starts taking employee communication for granted.
Communicating frequently with your employees is the fifth of nine stages to building your business that I teach in Entrepreneurial Leap. The reason being, while working with clients through EOS, I discovered that the biggest issue they faced while starting and building their company, was that their employees felt disconnected. (The issue most often described as “communication”)
You must start the habit of frequent communication as soon as possible. The right hand always needs to know what the left hand is doing. You can’t achieve your vision without great people all rowing in the same direction.
This is actually a simple discipline and involves doing only five routines:
- Meet every week to make sure all numbers and priorities are on track and to solve that week’s relevant issues.
- Meet every quarter to review the vision, set quarterly priorities, and solve longer-term issues.
- Communicate one-on-one as necessary.
- Give constant feedback—both good and bad—to your employees.
- Say thank you often. Let your employees know you appreciate them.
Get in the habit of doing this during the early stages of building your business, even with only one or two employees. You will reap the benefits and learn to communicate effectively as you grow your business.
Next Steps
Make a commitment to yourself that the day you have your first employee you will implement the above 5 routines. If you already have employees, well, you now know what to do.
Starting Strong: Discover the First Stage of Building Your Business
Assuming you have taken your leap and you have a product or service to sell, now it is time to build your business. No book