You have finally reached the point of taking your leap. The time frame between when you confirm that you are an entrepreneur-in-the-making and when you discover the business you want to start will vary. For some, the process takes days. For others, years. Remember, it’s never too late to take your leap.
In chapter 14 of Entrepreneurial Leap we discuss eight key disciplines that will make the difference between succeeding or failing once you take your leap. The first discipline is to clarify your vision. It is imperative that you capture your vision in writing. While it is highly unlikely you will need a detailed business plan at this stage, you must have a clear vision in writing.
Documenting your vision is a matter of answering a handful of vital questions. Here are eight questions you’ll need to answer in order to clarify your vision:
- What am I passionate about? (Why am I doing this?)
- What want or need am I filling for my customer/client?
- Who is my ideal customer? (Describe your ideal customer.)
- What is the pricing structure for my product or service?
- What is the number one most important goal to accomplish in 10 years?
- What will the business look like in three years? (Include your top-line revenue, your personal income, your profit, and 10 bullet points describing exactly what your business will look like in three years.)
- What do I have to accomplish in the first year? (Include your top-line revenue, your personal income, your profit, and your three to seven most important goals.)
- What are the three to seven most important things I must accomplish in the next 90 days?
By answering these questions, you will create clarity for yourself and others, which is the first step toward bringing your business idea to fruition.
Next Steps
Take a few minutes right now to answer the above questions or visit the Free Tools section of our website to download the MyVision Clarifier. As the name implies, the MyVision Clarifier will guide you through the process of clarifying your vision and provide a simple, yet powerful format to capture it in writing.
The Discipline of Having a Plan B on Your Entrepreneurial Journey
You’ve finally reached the point of taking your entrepreneurial leap! In the third phase of Entrepreneurial Leap called Path, I map the stages of the entrepreneurial journey, helping you to